Saturday, May 17, 2008

N Wing

This may sound gay the way I say this but it's the truth. I met a guy online :P
I found a Nameless Wing or N Wing as he will be referred to, to help me get out of my house more and to help each other. We met up talked about the community go to know each other, and we did some practice runs in the mall. He had me trying out the cologne routine, which I found to be a pretty good opener, especially since there was 2 of us.

Ok so after a demonstration from him, on what to say and such, I got my 3 samples and went out to test out this new found routine.
1)Macy's Hired Gun, Brown hair 6, I was told after that it was a hired gun, but at I didn't she was only because she had a bunch of clothes in her hands so I thought she was shopping but was putting them away. So I opened with something like "Hey, could you help me out real quick, my friend is getting impatient and I'm trying to pick out a cologne" and tried to hand her the samples, she wasn't so responsive at first but started smelling, and I transitioned with "Do you know any cool bars / clubs to goto tonight".
Her: "No, not here only in like Brooklyn"
N Wing: "Did you just say you don't know of any places to go out?"
Her: "Ya well not here, and I don't really go out" Or some shit like that.
They kinda talked back and forth for a sec, and I thanked her and moved on.

2)Hired Gun for some girl store, Black hair 7, Now this started fine, I opened, and she picked one, and said something like do you know which is which? I said the names of them but wasn't sure, and she pulled in another hired gun for an opinion also and she began smelling and started to recommend. Thankfully my Wing came in to help and talk to them, but I have no clue what about, I think he transitioned to the any cool bars question, but they had no clue.

3)First 2 Set for me: Kim 7.5 black hair, sunglasses and her friend a 6 in a brown shirt. I saw them coming out a store and stopped them. It started off really well, they each took 1/3 samples and started smelling them (I think if I had 2 samples this routine would go better, less to hold and not many to get confused). So they started giving their opinions, and my Wing came in to join in the conversation. I was about to transition with the bar/club question but he beat me to the punch. They started talking and such, but somehow the girl in brown shirt was getting more attention and talking more. So Kim started to back away, I moved in closer to her and tried to thing of something to say. Unfortunately I couldn't think of anything else other than "So what's your name?" I know I messed up here too. But we shook hands and I got a name, I knew I had to talk to her and keep her occupied while my Wing was talking to the girl in brown shirt. I failed :( Kim finally decided to walk into the store we were standing in front of (not the one they just left).
N Wing: "Well it looks like your friend is getting bored and wants to shop".
We just left after that, and thanked them for their help. Oh BTW they actually recommend some bars / clubs, don't have a clue what they were called now, but it was helpful at the time. I think they said something like the tropicana. I should also note that I failed to mention who my target was to my Wing before we entered the set, but then again I didn't really think about it until I opened them. My bad :(

Later that night we finally went out to check out some of my Wings favorite bars around the city, the first one we went to was pretty much dead. It had a few sets, but mostly just a bunch of people at the bar, guy and girl sets. There was this other set by the booth that was a 5 set (2 couples, and girl). I thought it was a good spot to practice if we would could get that girl alone. So when my Wing went to the bathroom one of the couples separated, and it was now a 3 set hurry. We had moved to sit across from them, so I leaned in and said this to them right after they were singing along to the loud music "We got to get your guys a karaoke mike", they laughed a bit and I followed up with "Do you know of any karaoke bars around here?" They mentioned one that was pretty far away. I should mention that it was raining most of the night, and we tried to walk around earlier to find another bar, but we found that quite difficult in the rain with only my Wing having an umbrella, and me w/o a jacket. So instead of acting like a gay couple huddled under 1 umbrella, we waited a while in that bar to see if it picked up. It didn't but we decided to walk about 20 blocks to the next bar, thankfully the rain stopped.

So we get to this next place, it was kinda small, but weird cause it was a restaurant too. So my took a seat next to this 2 set (girls 7, 7.5) and he had me walk around and check out the place. I assumed he was going to work on that set or do something, so I walked around slowly looking for any potential sets, and went up stairs where they had a 2nd bar. So I got my small water with lemon (to look like it's a real drink) and continued to look around. I saw another 2 set, and tried to get close to talk to them, but from where they were sitting at on the bar, it was physically impossible to reach them because another set was blocking the way. So I left to go downstairs. To my surprise my Wing had a girl sitting next to him, I was unsure if I should go to him or if he wanted to be alone and it was part of his plan to begin with. I took a chance and walked to him, he introduced me to this girl and told me to sit. Now at this point I know this is weird and thought maybe he go her for me or just wanted to practice, I had no clue. So I sit down, and he leaves; I couldn't really hear her when she said her name so I asked him again. She said her name was Cindy, BTW this girl was a 4 Asian with black hair. Plus her breathe smelled real bad, and she didn't talk like at all. I asked her a few questions to try and get her talking and she said she was from Paris and just visiting, I tried to ask her a question about Paris, but was like pulling teeth. I was starting to see why my Wing left me with her. So he returns and says to me, did she tell you she was from Rome, I said no she said she was from Paris. I started to get confused like was there a Paris in Rome as well or was this bitch just fucking lying. Well it turns out she was just fucking lying, and she sat down next to him out of no where. He had tried to ask her questions about Rome, and she didn't know anything about Rome either. So all in all it was really weird and creepy, but me and my Wing were thinking I wonder if this is what girls feel like when they are approached by some random ugly guy?

Moving on...
There was another 3 set (2 fat chicks a 5 and 5.5, and a 6.5) They were sitting to on these other couches to the right and north of us. My Wing said that best way for us to approach them since they were sitting was to sit next to them. We noticed that the couch that we were going to go to was occupied but the people there were about to leave. So as soon as they left we got up and was headed to sit down, unfortunately we had no communication prior so I was confused where to sit, and why he was going to go to the bathroom. So I sat with my back to them all awkward waiting for him to come back, but then I thought that perhaps we walked away so that I could open them. I asked them if they knew of any cool bars / clubs to go to besides this one. They didn't really know, so I mentioned something on the lines of "Well you girls seem to go out a lot". I don't remember what or if they said anything after that, but I knew it was time to leave. So my Wing comes back all confused and I tell him we have to go, and that was it for the night.

By the time I finally got home it was 3:30, and overall I thought the day went well, got some experiences and familiarity with that atmosphere and my Wing.

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